Last Saturday, we strapped on our sneakers and hit the pavement for a 5K. And we ran. RAN. Let me just go ahead and tell you that I don't do that. Don't. Like, eva. But I did it on Saturday.
And I did it largely (Ok, let's try almost completely) because my sister was right beside me the whole way telling me that we could do it. Crazy thing: we could. And did. Nothing stopped us.
Not the cold.
Who needs to feel their fingers?
Not the fact that I needed to pee about a quarter mile in.
Really, every tree and overgrown area looked like prime real estate to me.
Not even all those voices in our own minds telling us to stop, that we couldn't, that it was OK if we didn't.
Because, really, it would have been OK if we didn't.
But we did.
There is no part of me that liked running. There is no part of me that thinks running is all that much fun or a good time or something I just can't do without. But, I will tell you this: when I got to that finish line, and I knew that I had not stopped running from the time I had started until I had reached 3.1 miles, it was the best feeling ever.
Like, eva.
My legs may have felt like they could no longer support my body weight, and I may have had a strong urge to hurl, but I was also enveloped with such euphoria that it's pretty hard to put it into words. I felt so good. And I don't think that word is too simple to use here. It. Felt. Good.
But that's how it goes. Or so I've been told. Apparently, the way to avoid feeling like that is to run more. More, they say! More often. Longer distances. More.
Meh, we'll see.
I think I'll give it a go. Why not? It seems I've already shown that I can.
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