The main question I get now that I've lost some weight—and
now that it’s enough that people have really begun to notice—is, “how did you
do it?” Well, there’s the short answer: “Eating better and
exercising more.” And then there’s the long answer. Which I will
spare you. You’re welcome.
But when people do want to talk about the real ins and outs,
they mostly want to know what I’m doing physically. What’s the
secret? What have I changed? Plenty. But if I had to pinpoint
the big thing I did, the major change I made, in my exercise routine (which is
laughable in itself since the one I had before was, well, not one) it is that I
now get up and work out in the morning. It’s the first thing I do
everyday, even on weekends. And when I tell people this, mostly I’m met
with a look of pity or disgust and the words, “oh, yeah, I couldn't do

- Put your alarm across
the room.
- If you’re like
me, having your alarm within arm’s length isn't going to do much for you.
Listen, that snooze button is the one that will get the workout if I can
reach it. So I put my phone across my room, making it necessary for me to
crawl out of bed to turn it off. Once I’m up, it’s easier for me to
push myself to getting ready and working out.
- Extra tip: Put your alarm with your workout clothes. Once you’re that close to them, it’s harder to walk away. Which leads us to…
- Lay out your clothes, Elementary
School style!
- Do you remember when
you were little and your mom or dad would lay your clothes out for the
next day? Go back to those days. If you don’t have to think
about what to put on, you’re more likely to get going quicker and not
talk yourself out of working out and right back into your warm, comfy
- Extra tip: Be sure to
take the weather into consideration. If you’re headed out for a
run at 5 am in October, it might be a little chilly. Plan for
longer sleeves so you don’t hit the pavement only to turn around because
you were unprepared.

- Set out your water /
food the night before
- I have to eat a little
something before I work out. And the last thing I want to do is
take the time to prep something in the morning. I’m already tired
and, if it’s one of those days, I’m already looking for excuses to
skip this whole early morning workout junk all together.
Having my pre-workout food ready to grab and eat is a must
for me.
- Extra tip: Don’t gobble
your food and guzzle your water like you’ll never be able to eat
again. You don’t want to end up feeling sick—especially if you’re
about to get into a particularly strenuous workout. I eat
something really small, like a Belvita breakfast biscuit, while taking a
minute to check out the Daily Motivation on It keeps
me from eating so quickly and gets me pumped for my workout.
Double win! (Don’t know about the Berry? You
should! Go check it out and put the app on your phone.
Warning: it’s highly addictive!)
- Have a plan.
- Look, I’m not a fly by
the seat of my pants kind of girl. I need to know what I’m going to
be doing in the morning or else I spend a lot of time trying to figure it
out. Which is a waste. And why waste time standing around in
workout pants, when I can do that in the comfort of my bed? If I’ve
already got the morning workout planned I’m much less likely to skip it,
because it doesn’t leave the door open for as many excuses.
- Extra tip: If your
workout calls for printed materials, go ahead and have them ready and
set out for yourself. Need to do a video? Have it ready to
go or at least know exactly where to find it on your phone / computer /
DVD player.
- Go to bed at a decent
- Here’s the deal.
If I don’t go to bed early enough, I don’t get up early enough.
Mind blowing, right? I’m going to go out on a big, fat limb
and guess you’re the same way. Sometimes life does not let you go
to bed early. I get that. I’ve got two guys at home that I
want to spend crazy amounts of time with, too. Not to mention the
endless responsibilities that come with being a Wife, Mommy and Grown
Up. But here’s the deal. Pick your battles, set your
priorities. TV can wait. Social media can wait. Some of those
dishes and deep cleaning the carpets? Yeah, it can wait.
Getting healthy is important. Sleep is important. Rest your
body. Go to bed.
- Extra tip: Give yourself
a bedtime and stick to it. “I will be in bed no later than
___.” You know when you need to put your pretty, little head to
pillow in order to function well the next day. Make a promise to
yourself to be in bed by that time and then do your best to stick to
- Have a partner in
- I have to say this one
is my favorite. There is no better motivator than having someone
else willing to drag tail out of bed at some unholy hour and sweat like a
beast with you. My sister and I both get up in the morning to
work out and then text each other when we’re done. When it’s 5 am
at my house, it’s 5 am at her house and I know both of our alarms are
going off at the same time. We’re pulling on workout clothes
and sneakers at the same time. We’re running and doing
squats, dreaded burpees and tricep extensions at the same time.
And that makes it feel like we’re doing them together. And that
helps me keep going. She motivates me without having to be right
there. And that’s huge.
- Extra tip: If you’re
lucky enough to have someone that lives close enough to you to meet with
you, that’s great. If not, you can still recruit a buddy to send
encouraging texts, emails or even call you. Lift each other
up! Be in this together!
Go get it, girl!
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