Best beauty advice ever received:
Never sleep in your makeup. Oddly enough, I got this from Ivana Trump. I was only reading a magazine, but, you know, it was like she was talking right to me. ;)
Never sleep in your makeup. Oddly enough, I got this from Ivana Trump. I was only reading a magazine, but, you know, it was like she was talking right to me. ;)
Best beauty advice I’d give:
Take care of your skin-if everything is good on that level, the makeup brands aren’t as huge of a deal. And find what works for you. Just because it’s trendy doesn’t mean you should do it!
What shampoo/conditioner/body wash is currently in your
Shampoo- TRESemme Split Remedy Shampoo and Conditioner
I really like both of them!
I just finished using Sebastian Penetraitt Strengthening and Repair Shampoo and still have some conditioner left. Sometimes I will use the Split rememdy Shampoo and the Sebastian conditioner. I use a lot of heat when styling my hair and it can cause quite the damage. So I've been trying to combat that with the shampoo and products I use. These have been really good so far.
I usually have multiple shampoos and conditioners in there at one time but this is what I've whittled down to lately.
Body wash- Dove Blue Fig and Orange body wash (Just so
happens to be my deodorant, too. Love the smell!)Shampoo- TRESemme Split Remedy Shampoo and Conditioner
I really like both of them!
I just finished using Sebastian Penetraitt Strengthening and Repair Shampoo and still have some conditioner left. Sometimes I will use the Split rememdy Shampoo and the Sebastian conditioner. I use a lot of heat when styling my hair and it can cause quite the damage. So I've been trying to combat that with the shampoo and products I use. These have been really good so far.
I usually have multiple shampoos and conditioners in there at one time but this is what I've whittled down to lately.
How would you describe your hair?
My hair is fine and pretty limp. It used to have a natural curl to it, but then I had Jack and that magically disappeared. Fresh from the shower and with no products, it’s practically lifeless, which is why I’m constantly on the search for something to give it lift while still letting it move!
Best parenting advice ever received:
“Let him cry it out!” Several people suggested we try this to get Jack to go down in his crib without having to be rocked to sleep. It worked well for us. He only cried two nights (about 20 minutes the first night, less than 10 the second), and we’ve had very rare issues getting him to bed since.
Now, we did this when he was very little- less than 3 months old. I realize that things like this don’t work for everyone. But it proved to be a wonderful thing for us, and I’m glad we gave it a go.
“Let him cry it out!” Several people suggested we try this to get Jack to go down in his crib without having to be rocked to sleep. It worked well for us. He only cried two nights (about 20 minutes the first night, less than 10 the second), and we’ve had very rare issues getting him to bed since.
Now, we did this when he was very little- less than 3 months old. I realize that things like this don’t work for everyone. But it proved to be a wonderful thing for us, and I’m glad we gave it a go.
Best parenting advice I’d give:
Don’t over-compare. Other children will do things sooner than your child
or faster or differently. But when they are little, just enjoy them. Don’t worry
so much that your neighbor’s daughter has three more teeth than your son. It’s
hard to do, and, yes there are some things that we as parents need to be on the
lookout for developmentally. But, if your son doesn’t start walking at nine
months like his cousin or it takes him a few months longer to work up the nerve
to go down the slide by himself, it’s ok. He’ll get there eventually. Every
child is different. And wonderfully special.

How did we pick the names of our boys?
Jack’s full name is Jackson Graham Cerame. Graham is my mom’s maiden name- you know us Southerners and our family name obsessions! I’ve always loved the name Jack, but it just didn’t flow with Graham. So we extended it to Jackson. Jack is also my great-grandfather’s name.
Jack’s full name is Jackson Graham Cerame. Graham is my mom’s maiden name- you know us Southerners and our family name obsessions! I’ve always loved the name Jack, but it just didn’t flow with Graham. So we extended it to Jackson. Jack is also my great-grandfather’s name.
What items do you hoard?
I thought I hoarded nail polishes until I saw the portion of Rachel’s stash she brought to my house. She’s got me beat!
I would probably say that I hoard books. I love them. Love.
And I can’t bring myself to get rid of them once they are mine-even if I don’t like
them. There are boxes in our storage upstairs of books that didn’t make the cut
for the shelves downstairs but I can’t seem to bring myself to let them go.
Oh, and Blistex/chapstick. They are everywhere! In the car, my purse, by my bed. I even have one sitting on my keyboard at work. It is sad how many little white tubes of Blistex have been washed in my house because I've forgotten to take them out of my pockets. That picture is just of the ones I found in the pockets of my purse. One bag. All that lip-saving goodness.
None at the moment. We keep getting told we need a puppy, but I think it would be far too hard to train a dog and a human right now!
Sheetz chocolate chip cookies.
Yummo! And Fristos Twists chips. Seriously, those two things could be a meal for me. But I would drink water. You know, to keep it healthy.
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